GLS Cup III 2018

- Data wydarzenia Date of event7 lipca 2018 r. - 8 lipca 2018 r. 7 July 2018 - 8 July 2018
- Miejsce VenueNovotel Marina
ul. Jelitkowska 20, 80-342 Gdańsk - Wydarzenie na FB Facebook event
- Delegaci WCA WCA Delegates
- Organizatorzy Organizers
- Partnerzy Partners
- Konkurencje Events3x3x3,
2x2x2 - 5x5x5 sztafeta,
2x2x2 - 5x5x5 relay,
Cycle - Wpisowe Entry fee35 PLN + ew. koszt posiłków meal price
płatne przelewem na konto: payment by transfer:
Karolina Wiącek
ING Bank Śląski S.A.
49 1050 1764 1000 0091 2746 9865
Tytuł przelewu wg wzoru: „Imię Nazwisko - GLS Cup III 2018” Transfer title: ”Name Surname - GLS Cup III 2018” - Limit zawodników Competitors limit90
- Start rejestracji Start of registration4 czerwca 2018 r. 4 June 2018
- Koniec rejestracji End of registration29 czerwca 2018 r. 29 June 2018
Rejestracja aktualnie zamknięta. Registration currently closed.
Poniżej znajduje się lista wszystkich zawodników, którzy zadeklarowali udział w Mistrzostwach. Tabela zawiera imiona i nazwiska, kraj oraz wszystkie konkurencje, w których zawodnicy chcą wziąć udział. Nowością w naszym systemie jest możliwość sprawdzenia oficjalnych wyników WCA wszystkich zawodników.
- Aby sprawdzić wyniki w wybranej konkurencji, wystarczy kliknąć w nagłówek konkurencji;
- Wyniki automatycznie posortują się od najlepszych;
- W konkurencjach 3x3x3 BF, 3x3x3 MBF, 3x3x3 FM, 4x4x4 BF oraz 5x5x5 BF bazujemy na wynikach pojedynczych, we wszystkich pozostałych na średnich;
- Osoby, które nie posiadają oficjalnych wyników, znajdują się na końcu listy.
Below you can find the list of the registered competitors. The table includes names, countries, numbers of past competitions and all events selected by competitors. Our system allows you to sort the list by WCA results.
- To check the results just click on the header;
- The results will automatically segregate from the best to the worst;
- System is based on the official average results (3x3x3 BF, 3x3x3 MBF, 3x3x3 FM, 4x4x4 BF and 5x5x5 BF are based on single results);
- Competitors without official results are situated at the bottom of the list.
Imię i nazwisko Full name | Państwo Country | ![]() | 3 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 25rel | ccl | gw | ||
1. | Zygmunt Baranowski | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
2. | Hubert Besz | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
3. | Krzysztof Bober | Poland | 73 | 1087|10.87 | 374|3.74 | 4818|48.18 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
4. | Mateusz Bodal | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 5 | |
5. | Michał Bogdan | Poland | 99 | 1097|10.97 | 412|4.12 | 5196|51.96 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
6. | Szymon Brzana | Poland | 21 | 1045|10.45 | 327|3.27 | 3982|39.82 | 8117|1:21.17 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
7. | Łukasz Burliga | Poland | 80 | 702|7.02 | 192|1.92 | 3006|30.06 | 6084|1:00.84 | 12129|2:01.29 | 19655|3:16.55 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
8. | Michał Burnicki | Poland | 21 | 1905|19.05 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
9. | Błażej Chmielecki | Poland | 8 | 1346|13.46 | 336|3.36 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
10. | Piotr Chodera | Poland | 23 | 1468|14.68 | 551|5.51 | 8947|1:29.47 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
11. | Marta Choroszko | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
12. | Maciej Czapiewski | Poland | 59 | 784|7.84 | 135|1.35 | 3095|30.95 | 5867|58.67 | 13490|2:14.90 | 29022|4:50.22 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
13. | Anotni Deja | Poland | 9 | 1095|10.95 | 382|3.82 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
14. | Fabian Dejna | Poland | 8 | 2884|28.84 | 1145|11.45 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
15. | Jakub Dębowski | Poland | 2 | 3890|38.90 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
16. | Paweł Duchnowski | Poland | 6 | 3848|38.48 | 769|7.69 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
17. | Jakub Dutkiewicz | Poland | 25 | 1654|16.54 | 468|4.68 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
18. | Oliwier Ferenc | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
19. | Franciszek Fidos | Poland | 48 | 1037|10.37 | 377|3.77 | 4571|45.71 | 12303|2:03.03 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
20. | Piotr Frankowski | Poland | 62 | 1085|10.85 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
21. | Szymon Glura | Poland | 11 | 2029|20.29 | 670|6.70 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
22. | Karol Gołofit | Poland | 4 | 3530|35.30 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
23. | Krzysztof Górka | Poland | 24 | 1305|13.05 | 520|5.20 | 6090|1:00.90 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
24. | Kacper Grzelakowski | Poland | 19 | 1218|12.18 | 262|2.62 | 7074|1:10.74 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
25. | Jan Grzyb | Poland | 9 | 2179|21.79 | 537|5.37 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
26. | Michał Halczuk | Poland | 130 | 884|8.84 | 298|2.98 | 3166|31.66 | 5310|53.10 | 9686|1:36.86 | 13483|2:14.83 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
27. | Kalina Jakubowska | Poland | 103 | 933|9.33 | 522|5.22 | 4173|41.73 | 8472|1:24.72 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
28. | Jan Jakubowski | Poland | 7 | 1940|19.40 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
29. | Marcin Jakubowski | Poland | 122 | 1198|11.98 | 315|3.15 | 4588|45.88 | 9742|1:37.42 | 23119|3:51.19 | 38175|6:21.75 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
30. | Karolina Jewiarz | Poland | 7 | 1624|16.24 | 481|4.81 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
31. | Szymon Jeziorski | Poland | 56 | 963|9.63 | 310|3.10 | 4525|45.25 | 11480|1:54.80 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
32. | Przemysław Kaleta | Poland | 69 | 788|7.88 | 220|2.20 | 2955|29.55 | 5903|59.03 | 10305|1:43.05 | 15063|2:30.63 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
33. | Paweł Kamiński (długi) | Poland | 14 | 1786|17.86 | 657|6.57 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
34. | Mateusz Kanarski | Poland | 17 | 1431|14.31 | 530|5.30 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
35. | Jan Kaniuka | Poland | 3 | 1479|14.79 | 655|6.55 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
36. | Dominik Kasprzak | Poland | 35 | 1825|18.25 | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
37. | Jakub Kipa | Poland | 71 | 794|7.94 | 205|2.05 | 3379|33.79 | 6429|1:04.29 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
38. | Kinga Klonowska | Poland | 14 | 1339|13.39 | 361|3.61 | 6653|1:06.53 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
39. | Jonatan Kłosko | Poland | 84 | 806|8.06 | 302|3.02 | 3550|35.50 | 8893|1:28.93 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
40. | Wojciech Knott | Poland | 106 | 875|8.75 | 302|3.02 | 2893|28.93 | 5744|57.44 | 12144|2:01.44 | 19860|3:18.60 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
41. | Piotr Kogut | Poland | 14 | 1261|12.61 | 433|4.33 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
42. | Tymon Kolasiński | Poland | 74 | 612|6.12 | 172|1.72 | 2518|25.18 | 4826|48.26 | 9099|1:30.99 | 13129|2:11.29 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
43. | Artur Kristof | Poland | 63 | 886|8.86 | 339|3.39 | 5254|52.54 | 11948|1:59.48 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
44. | Ania Kryger | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
45. | Marcin Krzewiński | Poland | 6 | 1600|16.00 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
46. | Piotr Krzewiński | Poland | 4 | 4724|47.24 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 4 | |
47. | Marcin Kupis | Poland | 17 | 1660|16.60 | 557|5.57 | 11527|1:55.27 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
48. | Olaf Kuźmiński | Poland | 15 | 1002|10.02 | 334|3.34 | 5575|55.75 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 5 | |
49. | Hubert Kwasigroch | Poland | 31 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 3549|35.49 | 6053|1:00.53 | 11700|1:57.00 | 18574|3:05.74 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
50. | Adam Łyskawa | Poland | 18 | 933|9.33 | 282|2.82 | 3588|35.88 | 5955|59.55 | 12479|2:04.79 | 18247|3:02.47 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
51. | Cezary Mach | Poland | 15 | 1261|12.61 | 396|3.96 | 8089|1:20.89 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
52. | Szymon Malinowski | Poland | 53 | 752|7.52 | 302|3.02 | 3161|31.61 | 5905|59.05 | 10764|1:47.64 | 15320|2:33.20 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
53. | Patrycja Michalska | Poland | 74 | 1221|12.21 | 518|5.18 | 4435|44.35 | 9171|1:31.71 | 20655|3:26.55 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
54. | Jędrzej Mikołajczak | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
55. | Patryk Milewczyk | Poland | 47 | 1629|16.29 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
56. | Michał Mrowicki | Poland | 4 | 2374|23.74 | 908|9.08 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
57. | Szymon Musiał | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
58. | Małgorzata Nowagiel | Poland | 22 | 1179|11.79 | 429|4.29 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
59. | Marcel Nycz | Poland | 41 | 1296|12.96 | 427|4.27 | 5325|53.25 | 9994|1:39.94 | 19193|3:11.93 | 32028|5:20.28 | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
60. | Bartosz Ochał | Poland | 35 | 1200|12.00 | 374|3.74 | 6320|1:03.20 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
61. | Piotr Olszewski | Poland | 54 | 946|9.46 | 304|3.04 | 4168|41.68 | 7956|1:19.56 | 14788|2:27.88 | 21446|3:34.46 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
62. | Igor Ośmiałowski | Poland | 46 | 775|7.75 | 269|2.69 | 3970|39.70 | 8028|1:20.28 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
63. | Grzegorz Pacewicz | Poland | 44 | 1609|16.09 | 659|6.59 | 6411|1:04.11 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
64. | Jakub Pawlak | Poland | 10 | 1651|16.51 | 407|4.07 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
65. | Marek Pepke | Poland | 41 | 1253|12.53 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
66. | Maksymilian Piskorowski | Poland | 15 | 1017|10.17 | 401|4.01 | 4324|43.24 | 9452|1:34.52 | 20777|3:27.77 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
67. | Michał Pleskowicz | Poland | 104 | 705|7.05 | 198|1.98 | 3694|36.94 | 7398|1:13.98 | 18968|3:09.68 | 29368|4:53.68 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
68. | Adam Polkowski | Poland | 111 | 985|9.85 | 376|3.76 | 4277|42.77 | 8545|1:25.45 | 99999999999| | 28362|4:43.62 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
69. | Vilius Ribinskas | Lithuania | 36 | 871|8.71 | 232|2.32 | 3850|38.50 | 7296|1:12.96 | 13044|2:10.44 | 20296|3:22.96 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
70. | Przemysław Rogalski | Poland | 124 | 1082|10.82 | 306|3.06 | 4181|41.81 | 9199|1:31.99 | 19241|3:12.41 | 36067|6:00.67 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
71. | Paweł Rybak | Poland | 10 | 1192|11.92 | 370|3.70 | 5832|58.32 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
72. | Michał Rzewuski | Poland | 84 | 679|6.79 | 194|1.94 | 2724|27.24 | 5971|59.71 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
73. | Bartosz Sekulski | Poland | 30 | 943|9.43 | 99999999999| | 3049|30.49 | 6187|1:01.87 | 11428|1:54.28 | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
74. | Kacper Stacha | Poland | 43 | 1224|12.24 | 308|3.08 | 5286|52.86 | 10039|1:40.39 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
75. | Marcin Stachura | Poland | 79 | 948|9.48 | 376|3.76 | 4589|45.89 | 9542|1:35.42 | 20661|3:26.61 | 36359|6:03.59 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
76. | Wojciech Szatanowski | Poland | 154 | 966|9.66 | 288|2.88 | 4131|41.31 | 9080|1:30.80 | 18187|3:01.87 | 28066|4:40.66 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
77. | Malwina Szopińska | Poland | 17 | 1370|13.70 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
78. | Filip Szostak | Poland | 16 | 1024|10.24 | 343|3.43 | 7246|1:12.46 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
79. | Piotr Szulc | Poland | 17 | 2054|20.54 | 701|7.01 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
80. | Mateusz Szwugier | Poland | 46 | 1070|10.70 | 331|3.31 | 7014|1:10.14 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
81. | Stanisław Szyszka | Poland | 24 | 1097|10.97 | 370|3.70 | 4700|47.00 | 9175|1:31.75 | 19251|3:12.51 | 29002|4:50.02 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
82. | Ignacy Turek | Poland | 7 | 1891|18.91 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
83. | Karolina Wiącek | Poland | 94 | 1780|17.80 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
84. | Mateusz Wich | Poland | 17 | 1457|14.57 | 383|3.83 | 5913|59.13 | 10480|1:44.80 | 18841|3:08.41 | 30917|5:09.17 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
85. | Jakub Wojtaszewski | Poland | 44 | 895|8.95 | 251|2.51 | 3857|38.57 | 7312|1:13.12 | 15200|2:32.00 | 22929|3:49.29 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
86. | Arseniy Yotsyus | Russia | 14 | 1154|11.54 | 358|3.58 | 5305|53.05 | 14837|2:28.37 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 6 | |
87. | Karol Zakrzewski | Poland | 80 | 805|8.05 | 227|2.27 | 3113|31.13 | 5386|53.86 | 11327|1:53.27 | 16705|2:47.05 | 9999999999|? | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
88. | Patryk Zawieja | Poland | 32 | 887|8.87 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
89. | Alan Żeromski | Poland | 0 | 9999999999|? | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 6 | |
90. | Marta Żywicka | Poland | 38 | 1901|19.01 | 780|7.80 | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 99999999999| | 9999999999|? | 6 | |
Suma: Sum: | 89 | 71 | 61 | 49 | 28 | 29 | 39 | 46 |