PLS Sopot 2014

  • Data wydarzenia Date of event
    21 czerwca 2014 r. - 22 czerwca 2014 r. 21 June 2014 - 22 June 2014
  • Miejsce Venue
  • Delegat WCA WCA Delegate
  • Organizatorzy Organizers
    @ Adam Polkowski,
    @ Marta Żywicka
  • Partnerzy Partners
  • Konkurencje Events
    3x3x3 fewest moves,
    3x3x3 one-handed,
    3x3x3 blindfolded,
    3x3x3 multi blind,
    4x4x4 blindfolded,
    5x5x5 blindfolded
    3x3x3 fewest moves,
    3x3x3 one-handed,
    3x3x3 blindfolded,
    Rubik's Cube multi blind,
    4x4x4 blindfolded,
    5x5x5 blindfolded
  • Wpisowe Entry fee
    20 PLN + ew. koszt posiłków meal price

    płatne przelewem na konto: payment by transfer:

    Polskie Stowarzyszenie Speedcubingu
    ING Bank Śląski
    30 1050 1764 1000 0090 3030 1718

    Tytuł przelewu wg wzoru: „Imię Nazwisko - PLS Sopot 2014” Transfer title: ”Name Surname - PLS Sopot 2014”
  • Limit zawodników Competitors limit
  • Start rejestracji Start of registration
    20 maja 2014 r. 20 May 2014
  • Koniec rejestracji End of registration
    16 czerwca 2014 r. 16 June 2014

Dane osobowe Personal data

Konkurencje Events

3x3x3 3x3x3
2x2x2 2x2x2
4x4x4 4x4x4
5x5x5 5x5x5
6x6x6 6x6x6
7x7x7 7x7x7
3x3x3 fewest moves 3x3x3 fewest moves
3x3x3 one-handed 3x3x3 one-handed
3x3x3 blindfolded 3x3x3 blindfolded
Pyraminx Pyraminx
Megaminx Megaminx
Skewb Skewb
Clock Clock
3x3x3 multi blind Rubik's Cube multi blind
4x4x4 blindfolded 4x4x4 blindfolded
5x5x5 blindfolded 5x5x5 blindfolded

Wyżywienie Food

Organizator zapewnia posiłek każdego dnia w cenie 12 zł. You are able to order hot meal each day (price: 12 PLN).

Zgoda Agreement

Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych w celach związanych z organizacją zawodów speedcubingowych PLS Sopot 2014 zgodnie z treścią ustawy z dn. 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. U. 2002 r. Nr 101 poz. 926, z późn. zm.). Dane nie będą udostępniane innym podmiotom. I hereby authorize you to process my personal data for the needs of the organization of PLS Sopot 2014 .

Akceptuję regulamin wydarzenia. I accept the rules of the event.

* Jeśli nigdy nie brałeś udziału w oficjalnych zawodach WCA, pozostaw pole puste. Jeśli startowałeś już w oficjalnych zawodach, sprawdź swoje WCA ID na stronie WCA. * If you haven't participated in official WCA competition, leave this field empty. If you don't remember your WCA ID, check it on the WCA website.

Poniżej znajduje się lista wszystkich zawodników, którzy zadeklarowali udział w Mistrzostwach. Tabela zawiera imiona i nazwiska, kraj oraz wszystkie konkurencje, w których zawodnicy chcą wziąć udział. Nowością w naszym systemie jest możliwość sprawdzenia oficjalnych wyników WCA wszystkich zawodników.

  • Aby sprawdzić wyniki w wybranej konkurencji, wystarczy kliknąć w nagłówek konkurencji;
  • Wyniki automatycznie posortują się od najlepszych;
  • W konkurencjach 3x3x3 BF, 3x3x3 MBF, 3x3x3 FM, 4x4x4 BF oraz 5x5x5 BF bazujemy na wynikach pojedynczych, we wszystkich pozostałych na średnich;
  • Osoby, które nie posiadają oficjalnych wyników, znajdują się na końcu listy.

Below you can find the list of the registered competitors. The table includes names, countries, numbers of past competitions and all events selected by competitors. Our system allows you to sort the list by WCA results.

  • To check the results just click on the header;
  • The results will automatically segregate from the best to the worst;
  • System is based on the official average results (3x3x3 BF, 3x3x3 MBF, 3x3x3 FM, 4x4x4 BF and 5x5x5 BF are based on single results);
  • Competitors without official results are situated at the bottom of the list.
  Imię i nazwisko Full name Państwo Country324567fmohbfpmmskcl3mb4b5bgw
1. Mateusz Andrzejewski Poland17 1275|12.75 421|4.21 5233|52.33 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 2155|21.55 99999999999| 903|9.03 99999999999| 728|7.28 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
2. Marcin Bloch Poland23 1039|10.39 205|2.05 3997|39.97 9696|1:36.96 20639|3:26.39 30690|5:06.90 99999999999| 2037|20.37 99999999999| 704|7.04 9903|1:39.03 1095|10.95 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
3. Filip BrodaPoland0 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
4. Oskar BrodaPoland0 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
5. Maciej Bronk Poland5 1591|15.91 531|5.31 8014|1:20.14 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 3491|34.91 99999999999| 1180|11.80 9999999999|? 660|6.60 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
6. Kalina Brzezińska Poland103 933|9.33 522|5.22 4173|41.73 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 1938|19.38 99999999999| 903|9.03 6339|1:03.39 9999999999|? 1155|11.55 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999|6
7. Krzysztof Cichy Poland4 2848|28.48 638|6.38 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 61|61 9999999999|? 99999999999| 1000|10.00 9999999999|? 881|8.81 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
8. Klaudiusz Cieszyński Poland18 1592|15.92 420|4.20 9788|1:37.88 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 696|6.96 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
9. Piotr Frankowski Poland62 1085|10.85 444|4.44 5389|53.89 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 3159|31.59 16675|2:46.75 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 970103300|2/2 17:13 99999999999| 99999999999|6
10. Bazyli GlelniakPoland0 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
11. Maksymilian GórskiPoland0 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
12. Szymon Grudny Poland6 2277|22.77 855|8.55 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
13. Michał Halczuk Poland130 884|8.84 298|2.98 3166|31.66 5310|53.10 9686|1:36.86 13483|2:14.83 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 6000|1:00.00 632|6.32 1308|13.08 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
14. Marcin Jakubowski Poland122 1198|11.98 315|3.15 4588|45.88 9742|1:37.42 23119|3:51.19 38175|6:21.75 24|24 2130|21.30 12114|2:01.14 549|5.49 10299|1:42.99 566|5.66 772|7.72 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
15. Grzegorz Jałocha Poland40 1173|11.73 714|7.14 5971|59.71 12023|2:00.23 99999999999| 99999999999| 28|28 3379|33.79 2145|21.45 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 730347002|28/30 57:50 13720|2:17.20 31290|5:12.90 6
16. Przemysław Janicki Poland17 1374|13.74 801|8.01 99999999999| 15615|2:36.15 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 2666|26.66 21313|3:33.13 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
17. Sylwester Jaroszewski Poland23 3361|33.61 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
18. Jakub Jarzombek Poland14 1906|19.06 519|5.19 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 1036|10.36 99999999999| 1504|15.04 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
19. Bartosz Jasiewicz Poland13 1549|15.49 571|5.71 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 5241|52.41 35164|5:51.64 1627|16.27 9999999999|? 2337|23.37 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999|6
20. Oskar Kaczmarek Poland38 1384|13.84 337|3.37 8373|1:23.73 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 2286|22.86 99999999999| 922|9.22 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
21. Przemysław Kaleta Poland69 788|7.88 220|2.20 2955|29.55 5903|59.03 10305|1:43.05 15063|2:30.63 31|31 1172|11.72 99999999999| 675|6.75 99999999999| 354|3.54 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
22. Dawid Karczyński Poland9 1084|10.84 297|2.97 7608|1:16.08 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 1885|18.85 99999999999| 661|6.61 99999999999| 487|4.87 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
23. Aleksander KiełbratowskiPoland0 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
24. Piotr Koska Poland14 1057|10.57 322|3.22 4622|46.22 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 1976|19.76 16896|2:48.96 642|6.42 10586|1:45.86 478|4.78 1833|18.33 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
25. Marcin Kowalczyk Poland50 1060|10.60 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 1858|18.58 2117|21.17 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 580325400|41/41 54:14 19356|3:13.56 99999999999|6
26. Piotr Kuchta Poland58 1177|11.77 376|3.76 5863|58.63 11030|1:50.30 9999999999|? 35603|5:56.03 24|24 2758|27.58 28664|4:46.64 447|4.47 9207|1:32.07 957|9.57 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999|6
27. Maksymilian Kutyła Poland27 1301|13.01 429|4.29 5076|50.76 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 39|39 2219|22.19 36745|6:07.45 683|6.83 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
28. Hubert KwasigrochPoland0 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
29. Oskar Lewandowski Poland28 1940|19.40 682|6.82 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 1078|10.78 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
30. Jan Łepek Poland8 1776|17.76 684|6.84 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 706|7.06 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
31. Grzegorz Łucki Poland11 1616|16.16 542|5.42 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 5028|50.28 99999999999| 983|9.83 99999999999| 870|8.70 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
32. kacper matyszewskiPoland0 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
33. Filip Miazek Poland28 984|9.84 423|4.23 4432|44.32 12227|2:02.27 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 2902|29.02 17702|2:57.02 99999999999| 5405|54.05 99999999999| 99999999999| 970072500|2/2 12:05 99999999999| 99999999999|6
34. Patrycja Michalska Poland74 1221|12.21 518|5.18 4435|44.35 9171|1:31.71 99999999999| 99999999999| 28|28 2593|25.93 99999999999| 879|8.79 7751|1:17.51 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
35. Patryk MilewczykPoland0 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
36. Adrian Nowikiewicz Poland12 1388|13.88 549|5.49 9827|1:38.27 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 47|47 3709|37.09 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
37. Bartosz Ochał Poland35 1200|12.00 374|3.74 6320|1:03.20 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 636|6.36 99999999999| 402|4.02 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
38. Grzegorz Pacewicz Poland44 1609|16.09 659|6.59 6411|1:04.11 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 27|27 3373|33.73 5350|53.50 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
39. Jakub Pacewicz Poland25 1379|13.79 496|4.96 8546|1:25.46 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 600|6.00 99999999999| 687|6.87 1043|10.43 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
40. Tomasz Piechowski Poland14 1433|14.33 539|5.39 5676|56.76 14232|2:22.32 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 60|60 2525|25.25 37393|6:13.93 1003|10.03 9999999999|? 1148|11.48 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
41. Kamil Pieczka Poland11 1366|13.66 353|3.53 5477|54.77 11196|1:51.96 9999999999|? 36770|6:07.70 99999999999| 2663|26.63 13260|2:12.60 793|7.93 9999999999|? 507|5.07 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999|6
42. Jakub Piernicki Poland6 1968|19.68 854|8.54 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 1606|16.06 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
43. Michał Pleskowicz Poland104 705|7.05 198|1.98 3694|36.94 7398|1:13.98 18968|3:09.68 99999999999| 23|23 1071|10.71 8572|1:25.72 469|4.69 5575|55.75 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999|6
44. Piotr Pohl Poland4 3777|37.77 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 2875|28.75 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
45. Adam Polkowski Poland111 985|9.85 99999999999| 4277|42.77 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 17486|2:54.86 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 970116700|2/2 19:27 99999999999| 99999999999|6
46. Owidiusz Pryk Poland66 1833|18.33 600|6.00 9567|1:35.67 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 374|3.74 16303|2:43.03 1174|11.74 1237|12.37 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
47. Jacek Raczyński Poland2 3240|32.40 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 1451|14.51 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
48. Jakub Sokołowski Poland22 1108|11.08 390|3.90 5326|53.26 9174|1:31.74 17873|2:58.73 24187|4:01.87 99999999999| 1993|19.93 99999999999| 904|9.04 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
49. Marcin Stachura Poland79 948|9.48 376|3.76 4589|45.89 9542|1:35.42 20661|3:26.61 36359|6:03.59 23|23 1932|19.32 20272|3:22.72 601|6.01 99999999999| 532|5.32 1460|14.60 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
50. Adrian Stromski Poland12 1292|12.92 424|4.24 7105|1:11.05 11143|1:51.43 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 2310|23.10 99999999999| 785|7.85 9999999999|? 1011|10.11 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
51. Maciej Suliński Poland13 1825|18.25 600|6.00 7889|1:18.89 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 4586|45.86 99999999999| 2091|20.91 9999999999|? 2481|24.81 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
52. Wojciech Szatanowski Poland154 966|9.66 288|2.88 4131|41.31 9080|1:30.80 18187|3:01.87 28066|4:40.66 23|23 1644|16.44 5108|51.08 489|4.89 9537|1:35.37 565|5.65 1144|11.44 900294500|9/9 49:05 81600|13:36.00 99999999999|6
53. Patryk Szczepański Poland11 1137|11.37 521|5.21 7460|1:14.60 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 1963|19.63 99999999999| 1237|12.37 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
54. Brajan talarowskiPoland0 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
55. Tomasz Tokarski Poland12 1595|15.95 527|5.27 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 48|48 3437|34.37 7824|1:18.24 1524|15.24 9999999999|? 1625|16.25 99999999999| 900334401|10/11 55:44 146900|24:29.00 9999999999|? 6
56. Dennis van Enckevort Netherlands38 2241|22.41 626|6.26 10792|1:47.92 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 6162|1:01.62 99999999999| 740|7.40 24059|4:00.59 1278|12.78 2671|26.71 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
57. Konrad WaliszewskiPoland0 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
58. Aleksander Wellinski Poland10 1950|19.50 656|6.56 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 2646|26.46 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
59. Karolina Wiącek Poland94 1780|17.80 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
60. Szymon Wierzba Poland5 2368|23.68 812|8.12 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 811|8.11 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
61. Kamil Więcławek Poland9 7604|1:16.04 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
62. Wojciech Włodarczyk Poland18 1270|12.70 435|4.35 5227|52.27 10169|1:41.69 19113|3:11.13 32188|5:21.88 99999999999| 2251|22.51 99999999999| 945|9.45 20415|3:24.15 790|7.90 800|8.00 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
63. Jakub Wojtaszewski Poland44 895|8.95 251|2.51 3857|38.57 7312|1:13.12 15200|2:32.00 22929|3:49.29 9999999999|? 2074|20.74 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
64. Szymon WolniakPoland0 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 9999999999|? 9999999999|? 99999999999| 9999999999|? 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
65. Tomasz Żołnowski Poland120 892|8.92 99999999999| 4071|40.71 8927|1:29.27 99999999999| 99999999999| 27|27 99999999999| 14945|2:29.45 99999999999| 11067|1:50.67 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 136100|22:41.00 99999999999|6
66. Krzysztof Daniel Żygowski Poland35 1887|18.87 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
67. Marta Żywicka Poland38 1901|19.01 780|7.80 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 895|8.95 99999999999| 1699|16.99 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999| 99999999999|6
Suma: Sum:67554526151321422045293312982
Day 1
08:1508:452x2x2Combined I roundAverage of 51 of 2 < 12 sec1 min24
08:4509:15Rubik's ClockCombined FinalAverage of 51 of 2 < 20 sec1 min
09:1509:55MegaminxCombined I roundAverage of 51 of 2 < 1:50 min5 min8
09:5510:454x4x4Combined I roundAverage of 51 of 2 < 1:20 min4 min16
10:4511:305x5x5Combined I roundAverage of 51 of 2 < 2:00 min5 min6
11:3012:153x3x3 one-handedCombined I roundAverage of 51 of 2 < 35 sec3 min8
12:1512:55PyraminxCombined I roundAverage of 51 of 2 < 12 sec1 min16
13:2514:253x3x3I roundAverage of 55 min36
14:2515:003x3x3 blindfoldedI roundBest of 312 min for all attempts
15:0015:303x3x3 team solvingFinalBest of 2
15:3016:103x3x3 relayFinal
16:1016:40SkewbCombined I roundAverage of 51 of 2 < 10 sec1 min8
16:4017:156x6x6Combined I roundMean of 31 < 3:50 min6 min6
17:1517:507x7x7Combined I roundMean of 31 < 6:00 min10 min6
10:1511:154x4x4 blindfoldedFinalBest of 31 hour for all attempts
11:3013:005x5x5 blindfoldedFinalBest of 31,5 hour for all attempts
13:1514:153x3x3 fewest movesFinal
Day 2
08:3008:506x6x6FinalMean of 36 min
08:5009:157x7x7FinalMean of 310 min
09:1509:352x2x2SemifinalAverage of 51 min10
09:3510:00MegaminxFinalAverage of 53 min
10:0010:254x4x4SemifinalAverage of 54 min
10:2510:50SkewbFinalAverage of 51 min
10:5011:15PyraminxSemifinalAverage of 51 min8
11:1511:403x3x3 blindfoldedSemifinalBest of 35 min
11:4012:055x5x5FinalAverage of 55 min
12:3513:103x3x3SemifinalAverage of 53 min
13:1013:453x3x3 marathon 42Final4 best from semifinal
13:4514:052x2x2FinalAverage of 51 min
14:0514:254x4x4FinalAverage of 54 min
14:2514:503x3x3 one-handedFinalAverage of 53 min
14:5015:203x3x3 blindfoldedFinalBest of 310 for all attempts
15:2016:153x3x3FinalAverage of 53 min
16:1516:45Prize-giving ceremony
08:0009:003x3x3 multiblindfoldedFinalBest of 11 attempt60 min