Adam Polkowski (Sajgon) Oficjalne rekordy Nieoficjalne rekordyKonkurencjaSingleMean of 3Average of 5Average of 12Mean of 100 3x3x3 6.09 8.34 9.74 10.02 4x4x4 34.80 40.98 42.18 44.98 5x5x5 1:11.80 1:18.90 1:22.50 1:27.32 2x2x2 1.13 3.43 3.78 4.21 3x3x3 blindfolded 2:22.37 3:40.00 3x3x3 one-handed 28.89 35.89 38.87 3x3x3 with feet 4:50.34 Megaminx 1:04.90 1:14.57 1:22.89 Pyraminx 6.21 8.50 9.21 7x7x7 5:17.30 5:50.47