Wojciech Szatanowski (Szatan) Oficjalne rekordy Nieoficjalne rekordyKonkurencjaSingleMean of 3Average of 5Average of 12Mean of 100 3x3x3 6.05 8.67 9.14 10.08 4x4x4 29.20 33.71 35.83 38.19 5x5x5 1:00.92 1:08.94 1:12.27 1:16.71 2x2x2 1.96 2.65 3.94 3x3x3 blindfolded 51.06 3x3x3 one-handed 13.75 18.06 21.15 3x3x3 with feet 2:18.28 3:02.99 Megaminx 1:58.66 2:20.94 Pyraminx 2.98 5.22 6.77 Square-1 39.71 1:25.00 Clock 12.50 15.48 17.09 6x6x6 1:56.53 2:04.20 2:14.39 2:24.25 7x7x7 3:07.28 3:20.38 3:35.96 3:44.08